Baldur's gate 2 watcher's keep recommended level. Gesen's at least has the advantage of being the only bow in the game capable of hitting every enemy, as the default arrows inherit the +4 enchantment, so it's unique in that way. Baldur's gate 2 watcher's keep recommended level

Gesen's at least has the advantage of being the only bow in the game capable of hitting every enemy, as the default arrows inherit the +4 enchantment, so it's unique in that wayBaldur's gate 2 watcher's keep recommended level Playing the BG2 ToB with G3 fixpack

I want to get the heck out of watchers keep immediately but cannot find a way to leave. When I went to the third level, the demons were too fast for me, I managed to get some down but they're tough for my party's level. When I went to the third level, the demons were too fast for me, I managed to get some down but they're tough for my party's level. I just can't kill him. What would be a recommended level for this dungeon, or should I wait. To learn more about the mages, you should search their libraries (#2, #4, #7, #8) and talk to their unfortunate imp servant (#6). . BG2: SoA Image Gallery; BG2: ToB Image Gallery. My character was ridiculously overpowered, with 6 level 9 spell slots and about 8 level 9 spells to choose from (ever beat a dragon solo? December 2013. You need to swing this six times precisely, no more and no less or otherwise nothing will. The rest I finish in ToB. Unfortunately, not true in BG2. What would be a recommended level for this dungeon, or should I wait. Any fear effect will be removed and recipients will become immune to Panic and morale break for the duration of the spell. I cleared the first level easily at Level 12-13 while the second level was fine excluding that Chromatic Demon which was a considerably hard battle for me. When I went to the third level, the demons were too fast for me, I managed to get some down but they're tough for my party's level. Yep, it's a Dragon! Here is the entrance from the Githyanki Encampment. Also, the. 1 lb. Baldur's Gate Role-playing video game Gaming. I cleared the first level easily at Level 12-13 while the second level was fine excluding that Chromatic Demon which was a considerably hard battle for me. You'll have to agree to this (now or later). Resist FearThe wizard instills courage in the spell recipients, removing any fear effects and raising their morale to its highest. Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition. - Core difficulty (No SCS) - Start with a bg2 char at 89k xp (not imported or EEkeeper) - Find 5 companions with no quest or nearly nothing to do with them. ago. What avoiding fights by bringing a man his slippers isn't awesome? It's awesome. watcher's keep lvl 3 (spoilers maybe) sxyblue 15 years ago #1. im having some trouble with the demons in the second anti magic chamber. With that said, here are some general tips: -The 2 statues near the place where you perform the ritual activate as soon as you pick up the book, while the rest of them only activate once you finish the ritual. Got thru levels 1. Your party will be awarded 25,000 experience points as soon as the new scroll is in your hands. You can stumble into the Twisted Rune at level 10. When I went to the third level, the demons were too fast for me, I managed to get some down but they're tough for my party's level. November 2014. I am still in Chapter 2 and have finally gone to Watcher's keep. You can choose to kill Carston for 6,000 XP. You'll also have to deal with several traps, including a Wail of the Banshee trap right at the entrance. Typically you'd do it in Chapter 3 or 6 if Multi, Chapter 6 if Solo (because of the Bag of Holding). zur312 Member Posts: 1,366. Saladrex may cause gaping wounds, third-degree burns, crushed bones, and dry mouth. . Generally one of the most powerful classes is thought to be the Kensai Mage. -Don't be good or lawful neutral (not necessary, but it makes things a lot easier, cause then you don't need to kill Tahazzar). Baldur's Gate 2 Online Walkthrough by Montresor CREATING A CHARACTER | GENERAL TIPS AND TRICKS | NPCs | ITEM LISTS | SHOPS Watcher's Keep: Outside | Ritual. Prior to TOB, I cleared 2 levels in Watcher's Keep and was dumbfounded by the 3rd level so I opted to do it when I got higher up in levels. When I went to the third level, the demons were too fast for me, I managed to get some down but they're tough for my party's level. You'll emerge on the third floor of Watcher's Keep at this location. What would be a recommended level for this dungeon, or should I wait. What would be a recommended level for this dungeon, or should I wait. You've seen such lairs before if you've been through Shadows of Amn. It will agree to open the portal to the next level, if you free it from its prison. ). so you can have a weak character who gets better because when things get hard they'll get betterI cleared the first level easily at Level 12-13 while the second level was fine excluding that Chromatic Demon which was a considerably hard battle for me. BG1: Sorcerous Sundries, Baldur's Gate BG2: Statue, Watcher's Keep, First Level Eilistrae's Boon BG2: Matron Mother Ardulace, Ust Natha, Underdark Clear Ioun Stone BG1: Dezkiel, Ice Island BG2: Rayric Gaethras, Rayic Gethras' Home, Docks District, Prove Mae'Var's treachery quest Scarlet/Blue Ioun Stone Watcher's Keep. What would be a recommended level for this dungeon, or should I wait. When I went to the third level, the demons were too fast for me, I managed to get some down but they're tough for my party's level. The center archway leads down to the Mind Flayer level (area #10). TBP2 - Staging Area Map. When I went to the third level, the demons were too fast for me, I managed to get some down but they're tough for my party's level. What would be a recommended level for this dungeon, or should I wait. I found this ugly bug. The succubus is super low level so you can throw 1 remove magic and you should dispel all her protections. It's a bit difficult to answer because some parts of the game are highly non-linear. The other three each have a different effect described below. Prepare your assassin for 1 quick backstab and she's gone immediately. Sometimes they'll even give you a time period like "Within 3 hours" or "Within a day or two" etc. Instead, you will need to wait for ToB and a certain helpful imp to add the last two heads. March 2014. Posted September 16, 2013. Make sure the door between the Ice Mage's Laboratory and the Ice Mage's Library is closed. If you choose to leave, then Watcher's Keep is complete for you. What would be a recommended level for this dungeon, or should I wait. Except the bag of holding, which is chapter 4. Contents 1 Guide. 15. Watcher's Keep can be done as early as Chapter 2 in BG2. When I went to the third level, the demons were too fast for me, I managed to get some down but they're tough for my party's level. On the first level I see 6 statues:-2 warriors who attack you when you place a bell or candle on the altar-Gnoll-Golem-Archer-Thief I remember that in a previous game I had at least a mage too, and I think that number of statues was even higher. When I went to the third level, the demons were too fast for me, I managed to get some down but they're tough for my party's level. Start tracking progress. Cone of Cold. At the beginning of. When I went to the third level, the demons were too fast for me, I managed to get some down but they're tough for my party's level. Map of the 3rd level of Watchers Keep for Baldurs Gate II: Throne of Bhaal. Githyanki Encampment is a subarea of the Machine of Lum the Mad Level, the 4th level of Watcher's Keep. • 15 days ago. Set the infobox's parameter bg2ee_soa to "yes" instead. When I went to the third level, the demons were too fast for me, I managed to get some down but they're tough for my party's level. You'll earn 25,000 xp for defeating the demon wraith. When I went to the third level, the demons were too fast for me, I managed to get some down but they're tough for my party's level. As soon as you arrive on the Elemental Level, the Chromatic Demon will speak to you. TheWiSeFooL Posts: 124. Yes - can be skipped and kill golems instead. March 2015. So you don't need to fight all of them at once. What would be a recommended level for this dungeon, or should I wait. January 2015. When I went to the third level, the demons were too fast for me, I managed to get some down but they're tough for my party's level. I tend to gamble for experience, but even if I lose I get to keep it thanks to the protection from magic scroll (The cambion casts energy drain on you, but it cant pierce through your shell :P). Level 2 Watchers Keep - HELP!!! robo donkey: Baldurs Gate II: Shadows of Amn & Throne of Bhaal: 2: 03-10-2002 12:55 AM: recommended level for retro dungeons: Zanthia: Miscellaneous Games (RPG or not) 7: 02-28-2002 07:52 PM: need help watchers keep, 2nd level: Sauromon the White: Baldurs Gate II: Shadows of Amn & Throne of Bhaal: 3: 02-28-2002. I cleared the first level easily at Level 12-13 while the second level was fine excluding that Chromatic Demon which was a considerably hard battle for me. . The whole level is set up like. This. Your party at the left side of the room. 25/0. Ka'rashur is a devil found in Watcher's Keep Compass Level. Helm of the Rock. GreenWarlock Posts: 1,354. are The Machine of Lum the Mad Level is the 4th level of Watcher's Keep, it has two large sub-areas, Illithid Encampment and Githyanki Encampment . I'm on the first level of watcher's keep, I've done everything, finished the ritual and opened the portal but when I try to enter it, I get the following "somehow, the statues defending the portal are preventing you from entering it". July 2014. When I went to the third level, the demons were too fast for me, I managed to get some down but they're tough for my party's level. 67%. Age: 39. With that info, I created a BG2:EE installation without the BagBonus mod I usually install (that adds a potion case and a ammo belt to Deidre in the Adventurer's Mart). I cleared the first level easily at Level 12-13 while the second level was fine excluding that Chromatic Demon which was a considerably hard battle for me. The Mind Key In the northwest part of the level you will find the Globe Machine. When I went to the third level, the demons were too fast for me, I managed to get some down but they're tough for my party's level. Basically, it's all won thanks to Keldorns dispel magic, which works at twice the normal level due to him being an inquisitor, some focus fire and mordenkainen kiting. By the time you get to the final seal of WK and Demogorgon you have epic levels and HLAs. When I went to the third level, the demons were too fast for me, I managed to get some down but they're tough for my party's level. Abazigal and his Ascension minions in the newest episode) so this thread is a little late, but perhaps it's for the best - my. I had never beaten the demon at the end of level 2 before (in a decade of playing, on and off) so level 3 has been quite an eye opener. Included with your purchase of the Baldur’s Gate 2 expansion Throne of Bhaal is a towering dungeon called Watcher’s Keep. Minsc will be happy with Lilarcor (though the mace of disruption is. I cleared the first level easily at Level 12-13 while the second level was fine excluding that Chromatic Demon which was a considerably hard battle for me. the one on the left leads out to the Watcher's Keep perimeter and the one on the right leads to the third level of Watcher's Keep. Generally, I do just as @Blackraven‌ has suggested: completing Watcher's Keep levels when I'm ready. That is: North points to the upper left of the screen, East the upper right, South the lower right, and West as the lower left. Walkthrough by Montresor Baldur's Gate 2 Online Walkthrough by Montresor CREATING A CHARACTER | GENERAL TIPS AND TRICKS | NPCs | ITEM LISTS | SHOPS. Watcher's Keep, level 3 (maze) kicks like a mule. What would be a recommended level for this dungeon, or should I wait. 7 - Energy Blades - Turns any of your backliners into serious damage dealers and can be used in between casts. The problem: the room is a "no magic" room. Websit. You can choose to kill Carston for 6,000 XP. -Buy the Nymph Cloak and, preferably, get the Ring of Human Influence as well. I cleared the first level easily at Level 12-13 while the second level was fine excluding that Chromatic Demon which was a considerably hard battle for me. 3 - Yakman/Tamorlin. White Dragon Scales can be used by Cespenar to make White Dragon Scale armor. 6 - Ritual Altar This area contains a large statue overlooking an altar. Play Baldurs Gate and Siege of Dragonspear as a human Kensai, starting Baldurs Gate 2 at level 10 and dual class to a mage at lvl 13. The entrance area of Watcher's Keep, this is where you'll arrive. This portal leads to the Outside Area. Trademeet (which I return to later for skindancer end) Watcher's Keep level 1 including opening the portal. Yuri. The time now is 06:29 PM. Enemies: Elemental, Air Giant Snake Guardian of Air. Weight. I still have no idea how the system of distributing high-level abilities work. I cleared the first level easily at Level 12-13 while the second level was fine excluding that Chromatic Demon which was a considerably hard battle for me. I cleared the first level easily at Level 12-13 while the second level was fine excluding that Chromatic Demon which was a considerably hard battle for me. 3. They appear in Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal and the Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition. Oh, great. Everyone gained 2 - 3 levels over the course of finishing. 2 - Library Inside the containers and shelves in this room, you'll find Elminster's Ecologies: Appendix IIIa (information about some of the creatures you'll face in the keep), a Golem Manual, a Handwritten Note (a clue for Lum's machine on Level 4), and two Tattered Parchments (clues for the ritual at #5). On the western side of the level, you'll find a Globe Machine (#3). I was about to quit and give up, but I was determined to win, and after finally doing it, I actually felt a sense of accomplishment. Desert trolls are a variant of trolls in Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal and the Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition. But now I have advanced the plot till the start of chapter 3 and I still failed to find a merchant. If the devs wanted to force you to wait, they wouldn't have allowed you to access Watcher's Keep in SoA. Luckily I'm not playing no-reload, and gave up on minimal a while back. Around the seal are three pedestals each requiring a key. You have no choice but to accept. WK doesn't appear as an option from the pocket plane, you access it the 'old fashioned' way by travelling from the edge of whichever map area you're in (after Saradush). When I went to the third level, the demons were too fast for me, I managed to get some down but they're tough for my party's level. If you did Watcher's. What would be a recommended level for this dungeon, or should I wait. Bhaalspawn abilities; Class abilities; Innate abilities; Game mechanics. 2 yr. When I went to the third level, the demons were too fast for me, I managed to get some down but they're tough for my party's level. Warrick; Dec 6, 2021 @ 1:08am #1. I cleared the first level easily at Level 12-13 while the second level was fine excluding that Chromatic Demon which was a considerably hard battle for me. Cespenar will do this for 5000 gold. Prepare your assassin for 1 quick backstab and she's gone immediately. What would be a recommended level for this dungeon, or should I wait. Advertisement . Edit: Ah I get it now. Watcher's Keep level 3 Demon fight after anti-magic room Tactics scsii insane 4 glabrezu + red demon. ago. What would be a recommended level for this dungeon, or should I wait. Okay, so I tried to do Watcher's Keep too early, I wasn't high enough level and had to quit. This chapter debuts the really high level battles. When I went to the third level, the demons were too fast for me, I managed to get some down but they're tough for my party's level. If you're near the end, just finish up and do ToB. Here's just ONE way to do it easily at low levels (general strategy, not specifically for your party). BG2: ToB Interview #2; Pantaloons Enigma; Media . Website: suppose, the extra wish scroll could be handy at times. In addition, the LUM codes written as numbers so you can just input them with keyboard and be done with it. It's a dead magic room, with a pit fiend, two cornugons, and a number of salamander looking things. The glass shatters, and each party member receives 7,500 XP. Watcher's Keep You should be able to manage the first couple of levels before the expansion, although the third level is something of a beef gate. Use the Tinderbox. cre) encountered in area AR3006 on the. When I went to the third level, the demons were too fast for me, I managed to get some down but they're tough for my party's level. This exception list is very small. In one of the rooms on the northeast side of the area, you will find the Tinderbox and the Old Slippers. Go to 2 and take the rightmost portal to the Outside Area. I add a couple of mods, (unfinished business, one of the g3 mods), and there's one sold by a merchant in the armorer/fletcher in the promenade. The mod changes. I want to get the heck out of watchers keep immediately but cannot find a way to leave. EasyVelithuu is a demon found in Watcher's Keep Compass Level. From Canada. The beast is immune to backstab, detects invisible creatures and will open with a 3 minute Demon Fear on the closest party member under certain conditions. (I can talk to the proper NPC to stop. Map of the 2nd level of Watchers Keep for Baldurs Gate II: Throne of Bhaal. This is a map of Watcher's Keep Level 3 in ToB. I'm in Watcher's Keep in the maze and I'm trying to kill Tahazzar for Karashur. They may also be encountered during Shadows of Amn if Watcher's Keep is visited. The treasures are good enough to dabble in there, and leave. Elves who are pregnant or wish to become pregnant should be placed near the back of the party when using Saladrex. It will agree to open the portal. . It will become hostile upon entry by any intruder. 1061) The Oasis – possible rest encounter. Walkthrough by Montresor Baldur's Gate 2 Online Walkthrough by Montresor CREATING A CHARACTER | GENERAL TIPS AND TRICKS | NPCs | ITEM LISTS | SHOPS. Aesgareth card game bug in Watcher's Keep. I cleared the first level easily at Level 12-13 while the second level was fine excluding that Chromatic Demon which was a considerably hard battle for me. With the Crystal Mallet, you can go back to the Machine of Lum the Mad. That might sound fun, but it's a bit annoying. . February 2015. Strategy Guides. I cleared the first level easily at Level 12-13 while the second level was fine excluding that Chromatic Demon which was a considerably hard battle for me. Let's Play Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn: Enhanced Edition, boy that's a mouthful! Of course, after we got done with the first game, playing Markos, chaoti. Map of the 4th level of Watchers Keep for Baldurs Gate II: Throne of Bhaal. Long time lurker here, playing through my first solo of BG:II EE. Idris Elba, Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty. What would be a recommended level for this dungeon, or should I wait. On the western side of the level, you'll find a Globe Machine (#3). Welcomed New User. I suppose it's a bug due to some statues diseapearing. Sometimes they'll even give you a time period like "Within 3 hours" or "Within a day or two" etc. Watcher's Keep, Elemental Level – desert trolls may appear in the fire library; other possible enemies instead: dust mephits or ruhks (AR3016 | 1234. When I went to the third level, the demons were too fast for me, I managed to get some down but they're tough for my party's level. When I went to the third level, the demons were too fast for me, I managed to get some down but they're tough for my party's level. › Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition. That said, a bunch of the cool loot in the keep requires the imp in ToB to turn it into something useful, and I don't want to waste irreplaceable high level consumables in SoA, so have usually been happy to defer deeper delving to ToB (and then get bored early in ToB, as I want to play my next party already!) Raiding the top level of the keep. . The Final Seal Level is the 5th level of Watcher's Keep. When I went to the third level, the demons were too fast for me, I managed to get some down but they're tough for my party's level. When you do, the demon will tell you that four mages once worked on this level of the keep, and that for you to open the cage, you'll have to collect their scepters. The center archway leads down to the Mind Flayer level (area #10). TBP2 - Arena 3. This item appears in Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal and Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews. It's composed of six individual levels that can be completed at different times. Mods used: SCS, BG2 Tweaks & aTweaks (few minor components), Ascension (in Throne of Bhaal) The playthrough is nearing its completion (having just played the battle vs. If you don't get the UAI at lvl 22, it is no use to. He'll think your party is composed of demons and runs away to the south, but you can follow him through the same portal to area #3. Watcher's Keep: 2nd Level. Watcher's Keep Maze of Portals. The nine fixed results are listed below: Take a swing at Watcher's Keep before you leave for Spellhold in Chapter 3 and then try again after you get back from the Underdark, see how it goes then. They look even harder than Kangaxx. Area code. Alahu_jack_bar. MisterCrayle How in the hell do you beat level 3 (Watcher's Keep) Just wanted to see how far I could get before I start shitting my pants. What would be a recommended level for this dungeon, or should I wait. For Baldur's Gate II content, this component adds potion cases to the stores of Roger the Fence and Mrs. The left portal here leads to the Watcher's Keep perimeter, while the right portal leads down to the fifth level of Watcher's Keep. The recipients morale will. Watcher's Keep is a high-level dungeon, although it can be visited as soon as you are able to get to the world map. What would be a recommended level for this dungeon, or should I wait. I am honestly having a hard time deciding what to do with it. These aren't necessarily listed in the order obtained. They are immune to magic weapons and spells but can be harmed with any non-magical weapon or attack. I am three levels in, I had some tough battles, the statues I thought were a decent fight but it escalated to me getting ganged up on by hordes of…Level 3 is filled with demons and portals. The quest to liberate the keep from its occupying. Circlet of Netheril. It's a perfectly fine dungeon but it exists in a total vacuum, is self-contained, linear, and inorganic, awards. Welcome to our Baldur's Gate II strategy guides section! Simply click any of the links within the navigation bar to the right and you will be brought to the respective area. I cleared the first level easily at Level 12-13 while the second level was fine excluding that Chromatic Demon which was a considerably hard battle for me. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews. It potentially involves reloading a lot. What would be a recommended level for this dungeon, or should I wait. Demi-Lich Githyanki Gold Wand of the Heavens Adventurer's Robe Flint and Tinder Gem 2 Potions of Superior. Flail of Ages (Flail): Assemble in de'Arnise Keep. Desert trolls are a variant of trolls in Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal and the Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition. If you have a small party, then some fights in SoA will still be challenging due to that, although the way the mechanics work it's generally better to have 2 high level characters than 6 mediums. So, I'm on the third level of Watcher's Keep (the maze), and I'm in the room just after Tahazzar. Cragmoon and ammo belts to the stores of the. I cleared the first level easily at Level 12-13 while the second level was fine excluding that Chromatic Demon which was a considerably hard battle for me. Once you go ToB you can't go back to SoA. What would be a recommended level for this dungeon, or should I wait. This particular Demilich has forsaken the casting of offensive. When I went to the third level, the demons were too fast for me, I managed to get some down but they're tough for my party's level. I cleared the first level easily at Level 12-13 while the second level was fine excluding that Chromatic Demon which was a considerably hard battle for me. When I went to the third level, the demons were too fast for me, I managed to get some down but they're tough for my party's level. I was counting a brother as his own brother. Therefore, I'd recommend that you leave. Four green globes can be obtained from The Globe Machine at Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal's Watcher's Keep. Boom, two down. Your objective on this first level is to perform a ritual that will open the portal to the next level. Once you have the Crystal Mallet from 15, come back here. When I went to the third level, the demons were too fast for me, I managed to get some down but they're tough for my party's level. Map of the 2nd level of Watchers Keep for Baldurs Gate II: Throne of Bhaal. Nobody says you have to do the whole thing at once, by the way. rested more than once per level. The Compass Level (aka Maze Level) is the 3rd level of Watcher's Keep. When I went to the third level, the demons were too fast for me, I managed to get some down but they're tough for my party's level. When I went to the third level, the demons were too fast for me, I managed to get some down but they're tough for my party's level. I enter one room and am instantly hit with Spell Failure on all characters. 2-3 days ago, I was wondering if I get overwhelmed or bored by the gameplay because everything seemed too complicated. You have 2 ways of entering, the first of which is to have a Thief with high enough Open Locks to pick the front door (not recommended). The de'Arnise Keep is the main building in the de'Arnise Hold area in Shadows of Amn. critical_hit_misses. What would be a recommended level for this dungeon, or should I wait. What would be a recommended level for this dungeon, or should I wait. What would be a recommended level for this dungeon, or should I wait. For the life of me, I can't kill Tahazzar. Some years ago, I finished Watcher's Keep in late Chapter 3, with a party of six characters in their mid-teens. What would be a recommended level for this dungeon, or should I wait. Dragon is found in a sublevel to Watcher's Keep Final Seal, and is a part of the challenges to unlock it. The Imprisoned One opens a breach in the seal, allowing you to use the portals. I cleared the first level easily at Level 12-13 while the second level was fine excluding that Chromatic Demon which was a considerably hard battle for me. Hold D'Arnise. ITM 100% resistance to Poison damage Immunity to non-magical weapons Immunity to effects: Charm Creature Confusion Feeblemindedness Panic Poison Polymorphed Morale breakBaldur's Gate II: Enhanced. When I went to the third level, the demons were too fast for me, I managed to get some down but they're tough for my party's level. To learn more about the mages, you should search their libraries (#2, #4, #7, #8) and talk to their unfortunate imp servant (#6). There is no information given by the creature as to what it is doing there, or its purpose. Missable. FAQ;. 2) Place the CriticalStrike warrior at the top left, by where Nalmissra will spawn. I prefer to clear the first floor or two rather early. When I went to the third level, the demons were too fast for me, I managed to get some down but they're tough for my party's level. I've been really enjoying the battles in the maze as they really offer a nice challenge, and in interesting ways. What would be a recommended level for this dungeon, or should I wait for ToB? Btw, I have the Poison Flail. I have run into somwthing of a snag though. The Compass Level (aka Maze Level) is the 3rd level of Watcher's Keep. Most times I don't even finish it. How to beat liches. Will drop Tahazzar's Heart and Scepter Gem when killed. Playing bg2 Throne of Bhaal. Kangaxx is a puzzle fight, and can be beaten decisively almost immediately on starting the game if you know what you're doing. that you can get by doing Hexxat's first quest and there is another one that I think has unlimited storage somewhere in Watcher's Keep. Watcher's Keep Altar Level. The. The unofficial reddit home of the original Baldur's Gate series and the Infinity Engine!. Throughout this level the portal are set by the primary directions (N/E/S/W), rotated 45 degrees counter-clockwise. Both of these glabrezus are encountered in Watcher's Keep on the Compass Level in area (AR3010). I cleared the first level easily at Level 12-13 while the second level was fine excluding that Chromatic Demon which was a considerably hard battle for me. Chapter 10: Throne of Baal. Dec 6, 2021 @ 7:24am I believe there are 4 you need to lure to the ice room. Content from the Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced. Watcher's Keep was an ancient keep of unknown origin, that became associated with the deity Helm and the Knights of the Vigil. Thanks for the replies. I cleared the first level easily at Level 12-13 while the second level was fine excluding that Chromatic Demon which was a considerably hard battle for me. December 2015. First, four sceptre keys would have to be collected to free the demon, and then the. But during this time you can activate it, which will earn each character in your party 80,000 xp. I question whether you actually have completed as much as you think you have - you look to have hit below 3m exp, which you can normally hit in a 6 person party towards the end of the underdark. Maze: (DeadMagic. 2 - Knights of the Vigil. Location: Great Mills, MD USA. Category for all areas that are accessible in the Throne of Bhaal campaign of the Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition . You'll emerge on the third floor of Watcher's Keep at this location. Other Areas: 2nd Level 4th Level: Treasures: T1 (AR3011): Madman's Journal Gold and Gems Long Sword; 5. When I went to the third level, the demons were too fast for me, I managed to get some down but they're tough for my party's level. This changes drastically in BG2 with magically resetting traps that you can't tank. It is dropped by the Chromatic Demon on the second level of Watcher's Keep. . Location: Northern Ireland. September 2018. Spells by level; Spells by school; Abilities. The dead magic zones also greatly limits your prebuffing to spell immunities, contingiencies, spelltriggers and other effects that are not easily dispelable. Playing the BG2 ToB with G3 fixpack.